Oak tree honey from Thrace, Greece.
Honey known as oak honey is honey produced by bees in mountain areas, where oak trees can be found.This honey is harvested in a Natura 2000 protected biogeographical region.
This is a very aromatic, intense and like caramel. It has a thick texture and has a colour dark amber. When it crystallizes its texture becomes much harder, and its color becomes lighter.
In order to modify its texture and make it more liquid you can follow the same steps that you would follow with any other type of honey: warm "bain Marie" in less than 35 ºC temperature.

Greek Honey
In Greece, apiculture does not involve the intense exploitation of bees and organised monocultures of mass produced, low cost & low quality honey.
Greek apiculture in protected Natura 2000 regions allows bees to feed exclusively on pure pollen, far away from chemicals, pesticides & industrial zones.
Due to the dry climate of Greece, honey has low water content and therefore it is slightly processed.
This has as a result a more aromatic, more dense and richer in flavours and ingredients honey.